Monday, September 24, 2007


Steven job is CEO of the apple and one of the moguls all over the world.

He was talking about three stories that had been affected on his life in commencement of Stanford University in 2005.

Firstly, connection the dots.
He had been put adoption by biological his mother, and he dropped out his college,
that time was pretty scared to him. However,he looked back it was best choice
because he found out what he really wanted
He said that we have to trust something you got destiny because believing in the dots connect
down the road that made him different , and also will make us different.

Secondly, love and lost
He got fired in the company he started , and he got illness.
At that time, he convinced that the only thing that kept him going was what he loved and what he did.
He said the only way to be truly satisfied is do what we believe is great work, so if we haven't
found yet, we should keep looking.

Thirdly, death
He said that we should follow our heart because the time we've got is limited.
We should live each day as if it is last day in our life. It will give what we want to do and
what we are about to do.